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Did you know Tournament In a Box is the official software for USA Karate and has been since 2006?

While USANKF.org provides a plethora of resources we have condensed the "need-to-know" things specifically for Tournament In a Box users

Tournament Directors:

Sanction Tournament With USA Karate

Sanction Referee Licensing Course with USA karate

Sanction Regional / YDC Camp with USA Karate

Video Tutorials for Software (Scoreboards etc)

Athletes / Officials / Coaches:

Sport 80 - USA Karate Membership Website (register/renew/safesport/bgchecks)

Sport 80 - Renew Background Check

Sport 80 - How to Access Safe Sport Training     ||  (FAQ)

Sport 80 - Renew or Register for a USA Karate Membership Number

USA Karate Referee Exams

 General Info:
